In Jesus Name:
Heal me where I need it, help me lose extra weight and keep it off happily and permanently, help me and my hubby, fix our marriage, let us find joy and do fun things together, (now) and full of relaxation, quantity and quality time, (starting now) in Jesus Name,
No weapon formed against my family and us shall prosper, bless me and my family’s relationships, marriages, engagements, health, safety, belongings, pets, jobs, cars, travels, health, minds, bodies, souls, lives, everything and everyone, sanctify and enlarge our territories, get behind us satan, in Jesus Name:
Heal my old parents, help their finances, transportation, fun hobbies to do together,  pray for their salvation and normal test results for them both, protection and healing for me and my family and my extended family, and CS/BW, too, in Jesus Mighty Name, Amen and Hallelujah.